How We Work
The Y.P. Heung Foundation provides funding in the broad categories of Arts + Culture, Education, and Health. We focus on Metro Vancouver, but we also consider compelling projects and programs from throughout British Columbia.
Since 2012, we have received hundreds of grant applications and have proudly supported a wide and eclectic range of projects. As our reach and impact on our community grows each year, our process for grant making must also evolve.
We want to continue to affect real change and to create sustainable impact on our BC communities by:
Making larger donations to fewer charities
Supporting smaller charities that have proven records but need funding for specific capital projects. For clarity, start-up costs for new programs may be considered in exceptional circumstances**
Supporting projects where we can have significant impact
Considering granting multi-year capital support to organizations here appropriate
We only support registered charities or other qualified donees as defined by the Canada Revenue Agency. As a policy, we not do the following:
Make grants to endowment funds nor to ongoing operating expenses
Provide grants to charities with a significant political or religious mission
As of 2024, however, we are taking a more targeted and hands-on approach to grant making. Working closely with our Board of Advisors and our network of charities, we actively identify partnership opportunities and develop long-term relationships with our donees. We want to invest in charities and projects we believe in and that excite and inspire us.
The foundation relies on members of the Board of Advisors who identify opportunities and who are also directly engaged with the grantees in the grant-making process.
**On a capital basis, proposed capital expenditures by a charity are long-term investments with an expected useful life of more than one or two years. Previous examples supported by the Foundation include renovations of galleries/museums; start-up costs for new art exhibitions and new programs; new centre for disease prevention & support; new medical lab equipment; new experimental medical research program; technology modernization & upgrade; and geographical expansion of existing programs offered by a charity. On the other hand, we very rarely provide donation support for operational expenditures, such as day-to-day expenditures of a charity for office supplies, payroll, rent, or utility bills.
our Donations since 2012
*Excluding contributions to capital campaigns